Technical Journal

特集1 ビジネスソリューション

  In recent years, the resolution in digital printing has been increasing, in response to the need for high-image quality. However, stable high-resolution single dots and single lines cannot be formed with present technology. To improve the sharpness and half-tone of images and to achieve photo-quality images, progress in high-resolution image forming technology is needed.
To help allow for the employment of smaller exposing beams, for example blue lasers, we have conducted the study reported in the present paper, in which we investigated the conditions necessary to create a high-resolution latent image forming and development process. In this paper, we first discuss our frequency analysis of the latent electric field, in which we have analyzed the compatibility of single and periodic lines between 600 and 2400 dpi, using a mathematical method employing MTF of the latent image and Fourier series. Next, we discuss the test bed we constructed and our experimental examination of the characteristics of single-line and periodic-line image forming at 600 and 1200 dpi. Finally, we consider the effect of several methods on high-resolution image forming.

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ホーム > シャープについて > 技術情報 > Technical Journal > No.21 > 記事