Technical Journal

特集2 環境先進企業を目指して − スーパーグリーン戦略の展開

  In order to realize both speedup and energy saving in a digital MFP system, large shortening of warm-up time and the improvement in thermal efficiency in the fusing system serve as subjects. Our newly developed high-speed and low-energy fusing system, which employs some technologies such as external roller heating, a thin shell fusing roller made of steel, and the optimal control of roller temperature and electric power, reduces heat capacity of the fusing roller to 1/6 or less, and also reduces warm-up time by 71% compared with that of a conventional system. Those technologies improve the thermal efficiency of the fusing system by 14% combined with the design technologies for controlling heat dissipation. This efficiency improvement enables 40% energy saving and the real throughput by continuous running of the fusing system.

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