Technical Journal

特集2 環境先進企業を目指して − スーパーグリーン戦略の展開

 In the latest liquid crystal display manufacturing process, the surface cleaning of the panels is performed using hydrofluoric (HF) acid, as in the semiconductor process. The concentration of actually used HF acid is approximately above or below 1%, and large quantities of a few thousand ppm, diluted HF acid are generated as drainage after pure water post-cleaning process.
The newly built recycling system utilizes the total quantities of thus generated diluted HF acid, carries out condensation in reduced pressure, and enables the total recovery of 11〜12% HF acid ingredient and distilled water, separately.
This system operates most effectively in the "Green Factory", which has been built on the basis of environmental assessment. It can also be extended to other factories, since it is quite effective in minimizing environmental load.

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