
PRTR(Pollutant Release and Transfer Register)制度は,これら有害化学物質が環境中に放出される形態と量並びに地域ごとの濃度分布を把握するための手段であり,これにより,企業による化学物質の自主管理が促進され,また環境に対する悪影響の未然防止が可能となる。
Since chemical substances used in our country varies in their kinds, and have various ways to be used, there are still many substances whose effects on the human beings and natural natures have not been proved yet.
Therefore, it is becoming important to build up an overall management of chemical substances, including not only those obviously toxic, but also those doubted to be toxic.
PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) system allows us to understand the amount, way of emission, and regional density distribution of these toxic chemical substances flushed out into the environment. As a result, this promotes the voluntary management of chemical substances by manufacturers, and enables pre-cautionary measures to prevent environment from serious danger.
This report gives a summary of the PRTR system and touches on the risk management of chemical substances.