差分法に基づいた有限差分時間領域法(FDTD:Finite Difference Time-Domain)によるマイクロ波の解析技術の概要と,電子レンジへの応用として,食品の吸収電力分布解析による均一加熱性能の評価,ドア隙間への通過電力の解析によるドアシール構造評価,導波管給電における入射波と反射波を分離し反射係数算出による負荷整合評価について述べる。
This article describes our approaches for designing microwave ovens. Firstly, an outline of the Finite Difference Time-Domain method is introduced. Secondly, its applications for microwave ovens are described. Those applications are as follows.
(1) Heating evenness evaluation by analyzing the distribution of the absorbed power into food.
(2) Door seal structural design by analyzing the leakage power through the door gap.
(3) Impedance matching to the load by analyzing the reflection coefficient of the incident wave into the waveguide.
These evaluations reveal this analysis to be a powerful tool for designing microwave ovens.