
When the environmental problems have become increasingly serious, research and development about new energy sources is extremely active throughout the world. In particular, solar energy attracts a remarkable attention, because it is considered to be one of the keys to solve environmental problems. The installation of the solar system for both industrial and residential system has been expanding rapidly these days. The total photovoltaic (PV) capacity worldwide reached 287MW in 2000, which is 6 times more than that of 10 years ago. According to the residential installation records supported by Japanese government, the amount of installation in 1999 is 15,879, which is 29 times more than that in 1994. Under the current situation, these demands are expected to increase steadily. In accordance with the increasing demands for solar energy, the new application of PV is beginning to start. It is the solar system that takes the design into account and emphasizes not only on power generation function but sophisticated design harmonized with architecture as well. This report describes the Building Integrated Photovoltaic module that begins to be considered as the new field of PV.