「ちょbit 3D」は,1枚の顔写真から簡単な操作で3Dのアニメーションを作成できるPCソフトウェアである。2000年6月より「ケータイdeアニメ」サービスを開始し,シャープスペースタウンのサーバを経由して,アニメーションファイルを携帯電話へ送信することが可能になった。「ちょbit
"Cho-bit 3D" is a PC based software which can create the 3D
animations from a single photograph of human face by easy operation. It
became possible to send animation files to cellular phones via the server
of the Sharp Space Town by using the "Keitai-de-Anime" service
that was started from June, 2000.
This article describes the process of making 3D characters from the photograph
of human face in "Cho-bit 3D," and sending images by "Keitai-de-Anime,"
and also explains the user interface technologies for users who are unfamiliar
with computer graphics software.