
Microwave Integrated Circuit)の紹介を行う。
This paper introduces GaAs-based MMIC (Monolithic Microwave Integrated
Circuit) technologies of Sharp Corporation, focusing on a power amplifier
for the 5GHz wireless-LAN-system. It attracts many attentions recently
for mobile internet-access and wireless home-AV-transmission system, with
high-speed and high-quality.
The 5GHz wireless-LAN-system requires the high linearity to the power
amplifier, because it uses OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)
modulation scheme. Therefore, it is difficult to realize the power amplifier
with high output power and low current consumption. We have developed
the power amplifier, which outputs 19dBm with 160mA current consumption,
satisfying the linearity required for the 54Mbps transmission.