将来の高効率太陽光発電システムの開発に不可欠な要素である, 高い変換効率を持つ単結晶 Si 太陽電池の開発を行った。高効率化要素技術として, 部分的に開口部を設けた裏面の熱酸化膜上に水素化微結晶シリコン(μc-Si:H)膜を堆積する裏面部分ヘテロ接合と,n+p 接合作製の際のリン拡散温度の低下を採用し,それぞれ裏面側, 及び受光面側での少数キャリア特性が改善されていることが明らかとなった。これらの要素技術を用いることで,5×5 cm2 の素子において変換効率23.5%を達成した。
High-efficiency single crystalline silicon solar cells were technically developed as an indispensable element to develop a high-efficiency photovoltaic system in the future. Two technical elements to raise the efficiency of the cells were adopted: Backside partial heterojunction fabricated through the deposition of a μc-Si:H film on a thermal oxide with partially etched micro-windows; low-temperature diffusion of phosphorus in fabricating an n+p junction. These elements were revealed to improve the collection of minority carriers at the back side and the front side, respectively. Through these developments, a high efficiency of 23.5% was obtained for a 5 × 5 cm2 cell.