
We have developed high power laser diodes for 48 times high speed CD-R/RW.
AlGaAs Quantum-Well layers were grown by MBE(Molecular Beam Epitaxy) method.
Window-structure has been developed utilizing QWI(Quantum Well Intermixing).
Window region prevents mirror surfaces from optical damage. MBE method
uses Be as p-type dopant. The diffusion of Be is little during the thermal
process. As a result, no degradation is obtained for more than 2000 hours
under 260 mW pulse operation with 50ns width, 50% duty at 75℃. Ith((theshold
current)=30mA,η(slope efficient)= 0.97, To(temperature coefficient of
Ith)=130K , and COD(catastrohpic optical damage) power>300mW are obtained.