通信インフラの進展とビジネス環境の変化,パーソナルコンピュータの高機能化などにより,Windows CE 搭載のハンドヘルド PC やネットワークコンピュータ(JAVA 端末)が発表され,これらのモバイルコンピュータ市場の急速な拡大が期待されている。
このような背景のもと,我々はこれらの携帯情報端末に適したディスプレイとして,低消費電力,薄型軽量を特徴とする STN カラー LCD を開発した。
Hand-held Windows CE-based PCs and network PCs (JAVA terminal) have been announced as the communications infrastructure and personal computers are advancing and business environments changing. And their market is expected to grow rapidly.
We have developed STN color LCDs that achieves low power consumption as well as being thin and lightweight, which are suitable for displays of these portable information terminals.
In this paper, we introduce key technologies for low power consumption, light weight and thin profile, and also LCD modules that are based on them.