現在,このフォント(文字種としてJIS X 0208-1990に相当する非漢字・漢字6879文字と外字723文字)を当社の情報機器,AV機器や家電製品に搭載開始しているとともにROM等に格納した状態で部品として市場にも供給している。
This paper describes the generation technology of LC font, which is a dot font with a very high legibility and suitable for liquid crystal displays, and the Sharp Font Rule Base that is the core of its generation system.
The LC font currently covers the Level-1 and Level-2 characters of JIS X0208-1990 and other gaiji or nonstandard characters.
It has started to be incorporated in Sharpユs information and audio visual products as well as in its household electrical appliances.
The LC font is also offered on the market in the ROM-device form.