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カラー複写機の色補正処理は,カラースキャナからの入力信号RGBをカラープリンタへの出力信号 CMYKに変換する。色補正処理RGB→CMYK変換のうち,スキャナ部の変換(RGB→L*a*b*)を入力モデル,プリンタ部の変換のうちCMY信号(L*a*b*→CMY)を出力モデル,K信号の変換(L*a*b*→K)を黒生成モデルとして,それぞれニューラルネットワークを用いて3つの独立したモデルを構築した。
When color copiers calibrate colors, the input signal RGB from the color scanner is converted into the output signal CMYK to the color printer. Among the conversion of the color calibration from RGB to CMYK, three independent models (the scanner input model, the printer output model, and the black generation model) have been developed using each neural network. The scanner input model is the conversion from scanner's RGB to L*a*b*. The printer output model is the conversion from L*a*b* to printer's CMY signals. The black generation model is the conversion from L*a*b* to printer's K signals .
The different types of the original, such as a printed matter and a photo, may cause the different color responses. Newly developed input model and black generation model can adjust color calibration condition precisely, so that we can always maintain the high quality image for the copier's output regardless of a variety of originals.